Work out a model for
your system

Build the Model
with XPOR Modeller

Build the Interface Forms
for the site

Add your objects
and associations

Control access -
and you are live!

There's nothing to fear - other than you may become addicted!  We'll deal with that later.

We've built trial versions of XPOR, where you have complete control of the entire system. 

Remember - you can't buy XPOR without first having a test drive with the trial version.

you have put into your trial version - you can!

You have the Power, use it wisely. 

Edit text? - Easy!

The XPOR web pages can be edited directly on the pages, in your web browser.  Although web page content editing is not really the point of XPOR, we've still included a mighty content editing toolkit.  After all, we all like to tinker with the text.

All of the words and most of the images on this website have been added through the standard content toolkit. Some of the content presentation and Images are controlled by "Style Sheets". Lastly, some content is included on the Web Page Template, meaning it appears everywhere the template is used to make a web page.

Making new Web Pages

 So quick and easy. One-Click button, couple of config options and you'll have the page made. You just have to add your text / configure your atoms.  There are webpage features that are already made for you - like a log-in atom, or a menu atom, or maybe even a news page atom.  It's all in the palm of your hand!   And XPOR will store your configs for re-use in other new pages.

Changing web pages once they're made.

You've made a web page with a template - but you don't want some aspect of the template on that page - say you want to replace the log in atom with a shopping basket atom. Easy! In Edit mode, simply right click, change atom type and configure the new atom - and .... that's it!  You'll be happy to know that, if you subsequently decide to change the atom back to what it was - we will have retained all of the data it held.

Changing forms on web pages

Forms are displayed on the web page by configuring a Form Atom.  So, you can change the specific form being displayed to a different one - in just a few clicks.  Then you can change the design of the form, and the data that form presents - using System Modeller.  That's the simplicity of forms - you configure it so that it presents live data.  So now you can take this in your own direction. What thing (or things) do you want your forms to show?